By visiting City of Rock Hill (City) websites, including My Ride Rock Hill website (“Site”) and mobile application (“App”), users agree that they will only use the material in the strictest manner of its original intent and will not use the site for any unlawful activity, redistribution, or use it in any way that would violate the terms and conditions of use outlined by the City. Any use of City websites shall comply with all City of Rock Hill and South Carolina laws and regulations as well as with all federal laws and regulations. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on City websites are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under state law and federal statutes including the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. Let it be it known that we monitor and collect network traffic and activity on City systems and Web services; and that this information will be used to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or to otherwise cause damage to the City’s websites. Anyone using City websites acknowledges and agrees that they have read and understand all the City policies and are giving express consent to such monitoring.
The City of Rock Hill does not guarantee nor is responsible for how the Site or App works on an individual’s personal devices. This service is a convenience presented to the patrons of the My Ride system. It remains the user’s sole responsibility to diagnose and resolve any technical issues with using the Site or App. The City of Rock Hill makes every effort to ensure that the Site and App works on a wide array of device types, but the user should note constant changes in technology and software updates can present usage issues and the City should not be held responsible, nor will provide provisions to address. THE CITY HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER WHETHER ORAL AND WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The user of this Site and App waives and releases the City of Rock Hill from any claims related to use of this Site and App.
The Rock Hill logo and My Ride Rock Hill logo are trademarks of the City of Rock Hill. Any use of the materials stored on the City’s websites is prohibited without the written permission of the City of Rock Hill. The City of Rock Hill retains all intellectual property rights including copyrights on all text, graphic images, and other content. This means that the following acts or activities are prohibited without prior, written permission from the City of Rock Hill: 1) modifying and/or re-using text, images, or other web content; 2) distribute the City’s web content for any purpose; 3) “mirror” of the City’s information; 4) any resale or solicitation use of site or content; or 4) or any commercial or private reuse or broadcasting of content.